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Hai Hse

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago


Chiu Cu Chien


Typ „Hai Lung” (Nm., 1898)

243 tk, 284 tp; 59,1(lw)×6,1×1,98/2,55 m; 2 MPV3, 4 k Schichau, 5000 KM, 2 śr, 27 w (6000=32,0); /67 tw, 3000/12, 2100/14, 790/18; 6×47, 2 wt 4501 (4); z. 57.

HAI LUNG (../../..98; zd. 17.6.00, Taku: br. „Taku”; § 25.10.16; §§ 1916, Hongkong)

HAI YING (../../.7.98; zd. 17.6.00, Taku: nm. „Taku”; § 13.6.14; s†28.9.14, Kiaoczou)

HAI NIU (../../..98; zd. 17.6.00, Taku: fr. „Takou”; b†22.2.11)

HAI HOLA (../../..98; zd. 17.6.00, Taku: ros. „Lejtienant Burakow”; †24.7.04, na E od Port Artur, jap. N, . t)

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